Monday, October 6, 2008

lovely day..

i slept around 630/7 am this morning after struggling to finish my lit review before my meeting with david at 230pm...woke up to a lovely day..d sun was nice =D

first good news..ayer told me that he won a photo competition organized by vic international..wee! he won d price for the portrait section..n its actually d pic of both of us..double wee! (bangga ni sbb ade gmbr i skali..ehehe) which pic? will be disclosed later after the prize giving ceremony..just pray that he will get the overall winner! aminn.. oh ye..he also promised that he will blog about la dh berkurun dia tak post just wait n c =p

second good news.. david is happy with my lit review/draft..n he sed that i clearly meet the requirement for this thurs..yey! so no need to worry anymore..but i still need to adjust some stuffs and finish up my analysis for the 3rd company.. gona meet him again tmrw for a while to get my detailed feedback. fuh..felt a bit relieved cuz before im not that sure how to put everything together..n i don want my research to be just another typical research.. hehe.. well, so far so good.. just hope that i can put together everything in the end..24 days and few hours to go..haha...siap letak countdown til freedom tu..ehehe..

third..i might not say news..but just another happy/relaxing thing i did today.. i joined ayer, njb, atong, kurt, nuzul, athi and naze for coffee at chews lane after my meeting with david just now.. ah..lovely day, lovely weather, lovely place, lovely people..i feel so happy =D after a few rounds of laughter and proses kenekan atong..heh..we went for a walk and then head home..

should be preparing for my history presentation now..buttt..instead im watching antm..haha..oh well, will flick thru few articles after this..need to sleep early cuz tmrw i have an early class.. kalu sok bukan last AOS class, dh ponteng dah kot..well, michael gona give us d exam questions tmrw..hope it wont be crazyyy.. haa..tmrw hons info session..adek2..jemput la dtg..hehehe..ok i leave this by putting some pic from the raya celebration at high comm yesterday.. taa~

rambut ayer mcm tanduk =p


fatinnRahman said...

wah, krel menang? CONGRATS!!!

boleh jadi sifu nieh.. haha..

all the best kak ainee n krel~~

ladysue said...

gi minum tak ajak wooo

aineetigger said...

haa..kite tanye dak2 laki tu..i tatau oo..tgk2 ramai lak..igt krel ngn njb jek..haha

FM said...

agaklaa rambut macam tanduk.. hehehe

selamat hari raya kerel :p

gd to knw u finally dpt rehat for at least today and enjoy the nice sun :) huhu.

krelganzo said...

Fatin: thx2...tak mengharap pun menang..hantar je..pastu dpt..hehe..dh rezeki..keke

Sue: minum kopi tak budget pun rmi..jalan2..tibe2 jumpe athi..pastu ainee lak dtg...lain sume njb yg settle...

farah mexx: tak sabar ni nk tunggu abis hons nih...lepas abis gonna enjoy my last few months in NZ giler2..muahahahhahah

aineetigger said...

mexx..mmg best dpt a day off..susah ni nk cari a day off..hahaha... bile la next one?? hmm..when d sun start shining again..kekeke