Sunday, October 26, 2008

duit duit duit..

bukak farah's blog just now terkejut with the current exchange rate..wahh.. nzd1 = RM1.99?? even spore dollar is much higher..even higher than aust dollar..gila lahh.. hmm more reason to habiskan nzd kat sini before balek..ahaahaha.. hmm..

y la must d dollar turun now..before this org yg balek for good sure bahagia dpt tukar RM n dpt lots of moneyy.. must bwk balek but tgu till d dollar naik la good thing is bile my mom dtg la kot..byk lagi la dia dpt tukar..cuz its really cheap..isk isk..terok nye economy..

aside from that, ive been slacking around for 2 days already..hahaha.. well, friday aritu lps anta draft mmg lepak till mlm..then yesterday we went to kak bell's open hs n stayed there til 5pm..layan anak2 dia..buat candy fun..then some of us went to pak n save to stock up on groceries.. balek, masak, den lepak jek til i fell asleep around 1 plus kot..haha..awal jugak tuh..i just read 1 pg of my article trus tertdo..ekekke..tak tau la nape ngantok sgt...

so today, i hope dat i can really start tak start lagik gi buat laundry..nnt lah.. takde mood langsunggg..iskk..

current fav pic.. aidid tgh suapkan candy floss to aina.. comelll =D


F said...

rasa cam jatuh bankrap plak. isk isk isk. waaaaaaaa.

aineetigger said...

wah tu la farah..iskkk