Monday, October 27, 2008

boring stuffs..

i know its boring..all my posts are about and more work..blerghh..dont worry..only few more days..after this i will blog about the welly's sun, the beach, the laughters, the bbq, the shopping, the gossips..wahahha.. cant wait!!!!

anyhoo, we had 413 discussion just now in the hons room.. almost everyone came..well, there's only 10 of us in class anyway.. mmg takde org yg dh start study la..everyone pun muka stress..either br abes final draft or still struggling doing it.. here's the exam questions..suckky i tell u..

1. Alternative accounting research should be abandoned because it is disconnected from practice.

2. Acknowledging that accounting is socially constructed would require acknowledging that different accounting could be equal.

critically discuss the above stmt. Refer to any material covered in this or any other course..

haa.. tak ke sgt broad soklan2 tuh.. i think anyone yg tak amek 413 but took 421 pun bleh jwb..haha..seriously we kinda got nothing out of this class either than being experts in capitalist economy (inside joke)..haha.. well, i don regret la taking this class cuz i don like public sector..senang ckp all subjects 2nd sem tak best la..keke..but at least 413 have helped me in my 430 cuz i could do d same topic for my 413 essay n d isi bleh relate to my 430..

d discussion was alright..we got a lot of ideas for the 1st ques but 2nd tu hampeh..everyone tak paham ape soklan tu we just jot down few points n hope tu goreng2 before exam this thursday..haha..

half of the discussion time we spent talking bout other stuffs..430 la..lecturers la..hahaha.. of cuz la semua stil tak puas ati with the exam date..ergh.. but wat to doooo..

F told us that BL might be going to LSE to do an 8 month course..course ape ntah..wargh gile la..apparently nenek itew, si BP kenal d director of BL ni pun interested or sth..ntah la..but its not suprising la dat guy will get in..rajin dan bijaksana..ahaha.. erm ape lagik cite? si BH nk gi cuti2 from next wk til negara2 asia gitew..tak tau la ape dia buat lama sgt..hhaha.. org2 lain lepak2 jek kot summer nih..owh MM kate dia nk buat summer school..dia amek law degree jugak ke? aritu cam terdgr tp tak pun tak tanye dia balek..eheh..

i think i sleep too much la this few days.. anything more than 6 hours for people like me who has a lot of work is considered too much okkk.. ni kes qadak tido kot nih..ehehe..

ok should get back to my studying..(konon)..nk tgk kelab poppp dlu lah..ehehe..taaa~~


ladysue said...

haha budak2 ni mmg kuat gossip...asik mengomplen sajer pasal lecturer masing2. lol.

wahh BL nk masuk LSE??! hebat noks! hahaha. wutever laaaa kannn..lepas ni kite tak belajar dah! wooohoooo!!!

this 3 days seem like the longestttttttttt n most dreadful 3 days in my life!!!

aineetigger said...

yess dreadful indeed!!!