Tuesday, September 16, 2008


halu..lame tidak ketemu.. oleh itu, haruslah saye update secara ringkas ape2 yg telah terjadi..

1. terime kasih kepada cik natasah kerana memberi award kpd blog ini..

"Pasangan merpati dua sejoli gile yg lagi gila2. Haa camne tuh??? Blog pasangan kekasih yg gile kuat ketawa dan ketawa kuat gile!!!! Ahahahhaa" (natasah, 2008)

haha..ye mmg kami suka ketawa..tgk address blog pun bleh tau..ngeh.. tp saye terase mcm org gila pun ade..saye nye laughing partner ni dah berkurun tak update blog nih..terok sungguh..isk isk..pape terime kasih ye cik nash! saye patut bg award ni dkt 4 org lain tp saye macam agak malas la..so saye bg la award kat semua blog yg saye bace..haa amek la korg.. hehhe..

2. saye ade meeting ngn supervisors tadi..wahaha..mereka buat saye cuakk..dan telah digelakkan oleh mereka sbb muka saya cuak..sape tak cuak?? lg 1 bulan lebih kene anta thesis tu..dan saye rase masih byk perlu buat..waahhhh.. skang pun saye rase dah penat..adoi doi doi..

3. i have a 5000words essay to write by next tues (kot?) which of cuz blm start..adoi doi doiii.. its something related to my project as well buttt.. i rather work on my project la kan..project yg will determine my overall class of hons..adoi doi dooiiii lagiii.. hah.. n tmrw ade presentation for history.. will just present jek la..most of the ppl tak bace d articles pun..terok2..kiterang2 ni jek yg bace smpi tak tdo2 setiap mlm isnin sbb kene anta ari selasa..haha..

4. for graduation insyallah my mom n bros will be coming..yey! yg plg confirm my mom n my youngest bro la..d other one tu kene tgk if he's free or not..but ticket mmg dh book for 3. harga ticket sgt2 la gile skang nih..luckily last year tak seterok cuz yeah 8 of my family members came last year..hehehe.. i have a cousin who's working with MAS n he sed cuz of d oil price, they cut the amount of plane coming to nz..haih..sbb tu la ticket skang pun dh fully book..n so my plan to go to gold coast after grad this year tak jadi la nmpknye..takpe la..next time..hey i've been to gold coast like 3 times already..hahaha..twice tu sbb transit la ..tp still kene tdo sane..my mom prolly will come on d 4th til 13th dec.. kene pk where to bwk jalan cuz i brought them jln2 all over nz last year already..hmm..my bros sure nk gi queenstown lagi..hmm tgk la ye..

5. dh setengah bulan kite puasa..sekejap lagi nk raya dah.. which reminds me..bile la nk buat kuih raya?? isk isk..n if we raya same day ngn msia like we always do, we might have to go to history class to present or project..waduh2..dh la kelas kol 340pm..mmg patut ckp kat datuk kite raya n tak nak dtg kelas...kekeke.. kalu kiterang msians tak dtg..including keri n joanne la kan..haha.. nnt 3/4 of the class takde..cuz there's 11 msians in honours n all 11 of us are in the history class..hahaha..mesti datuk tu risau dan tercari2 kiterang..saye tau dia sayang kiterang2 nih..kekkeke..

hmm..ape lagi ek..tetibe tak igt dh ape terjadi..tak pe la..harus gi prepare presentation saye sok..till then..slamat berpuase..byee

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