Saturday, September 27, 2008

2008 WOW winners

here are some of the 2008 WOW winners..

Winner of Montana Supreme Wow Award & Winner of the South Pacific Section

Designed by Nadine Jaggi from Welly.
Name of garment: Ornitho-Maia

"The Bird Mother" is the ethereal protector of the beautiful feathered creatures of the world.

*Leather-wet moulded, embossed, carved, hand dyed, copper foiled & hand sewn*

this was one of my favourites of the nite..really2 nice! very elegant!

Winner of the Illumination Illusion Section

Designed by Cassandra Bowe, Charlie Thomson & Coral Bowe from Nelson
Name of garment: Me & My Shadow

A big entertainer & his skinny shadow in the spotlight.It's not how the world sees you, it's how you see yourself.

*parka nylon, pipe*

this was d one i wrote about. very cool rite?

Winner of the Bizarre Bra Section

Designed by Janice Elliot from Chch
Name of garment: The Isobra

We watch & we wait in anticipation of what lies behind the Isobra...


Winner of the First Time Entrant Award

Designed by Hannah Gibbs & Stephen Loy from Nelson
Name of garment: Perfect Pins

Inspired by the idea of younger generations picking up old crafts & using them to create modern & Contemporary art pieces

*Plywood, plastic sheet, fabric, dowel, paint, cotton wadding*

ok lazy to write every description here are some of the other winners..

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