Tuesday, September 2, 2008

mixed feelings..

selamat berpuase to everyone in nz..its our first day of ramadhan here n 2nd day for those in msia.. but i think we will raya on the same day again this year..hehe..mase first year jek we raya a day later here..mmg tak best la kan.. all ur family n frens back home dah raya n we here must stil pose for another day..isk isk..

i know its just d first day of fasting today but you know d feeling you get when you just cant wait for raya..then time willl pass by very fast n before you know it its been 1 month n its time for raya..sahur, think of wat to cook, cook, buka, buat kuih raya n just waiting til 1st syawal..

buttt, this year i guess it will be different..as much as i want raya to come fast, i don want this month to pass by very quickly.. one month gone means that workload are mounting up.. it just struck me last nite that the week of raya n d week after that will be hectic! our honors thesis 2nd draft, presentations, aos research essay! wargh.. n so im sooo not looking fwd for that! macam mana nk enjoy raya macam ni? n i wonder bile jugak nk prepare2 tuk raya..waaaa..nk buat kuih raya lagi..sedeynye kalu takde semua tu..

well, with all that approaching, it also means that my years in nz will be over soon.. having mixed feelings to go back as well..haiyo..with all the politics n stuffs back home..i just hope for the best. i guess i cant be ignorant anymore. i'll be in the workforce and all these stuffs will really affect me in the future..

tetibe terigt bazaar ramadhan..nak ikan pari bakar..ikan terubuk bakar..wah nakkk.. hmm nnt nk gi moore wilson la bli ikan..nk asam pedas juge..huhu..

ok ok..puasa2..br sekerat hari dh terbayang2..isk isk..tak elok..hehe

alritey, mari buat keje..unmotivated tapi kene berusaha! chaiyokk!


Unknown said...

Good good good......

ladysue said...

nak juge makan ikan....sgt sedih smlm i berbuka ngn suhana je...dahla tgk simpsons. hahaha..kronik2...

tulakan takkan kite tanak buat open hse n kueh kot?! gila per...tp then again...takkan nak masak kot?! gila apa?! hahaha so buat ape pun kite gila.

Nash said...

huahuahua nak raya tapi tak bleh raya...camne????raya kat hons rum la jum...buat opeh rum...aahahhahah

aineetigger said...

adoi sedey nye buat open room..hahaha.. pape terjadik kite harus raya!!

ladysue said...

kalo sorang sejenis kuih pun dh byk kuih kot. hehehe..kite syok sendiri sudah ler...

ellie said...

weh korg...bertahan! chaiyok!!!
tak yah la open house
pi buat makan2 kt rumah honours korg
ajak semua lecturer dtg makan secubit lime..
untung2 depa terpikat...haaa
kan senang sikit...

*kelip kelip mata*