Monday, September 29, 2008

raya! raya? raya...

yesterday, ayer n i spent almost d whole day baking kuih raya..keri tlg after buka while we were doing d 2nd batch..hehhe.. n so we made 3 kuih raya.. igt nk buat cam 2 jenis je kot..skali smgt lak nk buat 3.. oh well, rase cam yesterday tu jek kot was d only day dat we could spend preparing stuffs for raya..tu pun while waiting for the cookies in the oven, ayer had to continue transcribing his interview with keitha..hehe..

stil thinking whether we can actually masak2 for raya.. sgt busyy..nk prepare presentations lah..drafts lah..haih..dono lah.. tp jemput jek la ye dtg..bleh la jamu kuih raya...kekeke..

tu la smlm terpk..kite celebrate raya on 1st nov je la..we kan dh merdeka by then n of cuz it will be d last day of raya..hahahaha.. buat double celebration..raya and merdeka..weee..keh keh..n i terpk gak cam nk buat bbq this summer. my house ade a place for bbq and 2 bbq sets but kene la tanye dlu whether we can gune just like dat..lupe dah whether the bbq set or d bbq area is for everyone..hehe..

so, guess this raya will be the least exciting for me..n perhaps for most of us.. cuz we just have no time to spare..masa sungguh mencemburui kita! haih sedey plak bile pk balek..from 1st year, mase 1st day raya mesti kiterang buat open house.. (open accomm mase kat stafford 1st year?).. well, see how things go la kan..

tmrw ade presentation legitimacy yg gila itu..belum prepare slides lagi..mlm sket la kot..perlu abeskan few articles for my 430.. maybe lps presentation abes tmrw, smgt nk raya ade balek? hehe

ok..slamat prepare utk raya..selamat membuat keje..selamat mengharungi hari2 terakhir di bulan ramadhan..SELAMAT HARI RAYA!


Nash said...

Nee...kuih sarang semut ada???hihihi

krelganzo said...

ada..hihihi.. -nee..guna krel nye account..hehe-