Friday, September 5, 2008

spring n sunshine..

its already spring but it is still raining.. it was sunny or the weather was really good last week..oh my sunshine..where art thou??

went to kayu manis yesterday to buka puasa with ayer, nash, n, atong, najib, joe, kurt n nuzul.. pergh kenyang siut..d ramadhan buffet for 12 dollars i think its worth we got bihun goreng, satay daging, roti canai n curry n a choice of either nasi with ayam percik or daging kicap utara. then we got kuih cara n bubur pulut itam as well as buah kurma n air sirap..its not a buffet type meal but ya its enough for all of us..n d menu is different each lagi silalah gi buka di promoter lak..hehe.. something different in which u get a variety of different food at once..kalu gi cam satay kajang ke cinta ke..dpt satu meal jek kan..hehe.

after dinner we went for coffee at ernesto..mentang2 everyone br abes anta assignment on that day so we lepaked for a while.. balek jek..bila dh kenyang mula lah ngantok.. before pape of cuz kene set alarm for sahur..but smlm ngantok nye pasal smpi alarm bunyi gi tutup n end up bangun at 5.15..hahaha..5 min jek tinggal before sahur abes..sabar jek la..

so today is the end of week 7..tick tock tick tock..d clock is ticking..gedush..can i just skip everything n go straight to 1st nov.. 31st oct kene anta thesis so baik jump trus to d next day rite? hehehe..zamm zammm.. ALAKAZAMMM! ok merepek2.. ok la..nk buka dah nih.. keri offer diri tuk masak today without any help..best2.. =p ok slamat berbuka semua!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.