2nd sem = busy sem..more heavy assessments i guess.. so far my mind and heart are still on holiday..haha.. malas sungguh nk start buat keje.. accy 413 was interesting this morning but the class is at 830am! haih..kene bgn awal every tues..den we had public sector accy pulak at 140..i could only concentrate for just maybe almost an hour? lagi 2 jam rase ngantok teramat n biasela tak concentrate langsung..hoho..hope tmrw's class will be better so that i can drop the public sector class..huhu.. not my cup of tea =p
went to see Hancock tadi with the guys and the gurls..it was fun..haha..ade twist2 pulak cite tuh..but i would prefer if the movie was longer..terase so skejap pulak..
anyway..just wana post this pic made by ayer..hehe..thx cyg..so chomell d pic..hehe.. =p
ini kerja kau Krel. hahahah
aku kebosanan...sume lecturer takde..so malas nk stat buat keje..heheheh....
Hah... Bonda dah xde.. ini anak2 aku buat rupenye??? Ngehh...
I miss Welly and everyone!! Apsal korang cam best jee?? I x abih2 dok tgk calculations, accounts opening la, closing la... juling mata ku...
Miss you guys..
P/S: Weih.. tukar my blog address tu... put the new one!! Hihihi..
oh bondaku..ini semua keje time cuti yg sgt2 lah skejappp..skang kiterang pun dh start balek tgk2 article2 yg menimbun cam fon book tuh..haha..
slalu lupe nk boh ur new blog link..heheeh..will do it later =p
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