Tuesday, July 29, 2008

AOS class

wat im gona post here is not related to AOS pun..haaha..but got this info from that class anyway..

Guess wat? the lecturers in school are not paid equally..surprising? most of you might think im talking about different salary level for different positions right? NOOOO.. its different salary according to gender!! hah..so if ur a women, u r paid less than the guys..unfair RIGHTT?? omg.. i can't belive this thing is actually happening here..at our own uni! haha.. gila cam kuno..

then we started talking about the reasons behind it..mula lah mamat2 dlm kelas tu buat speculations.. first they said maybe cuz men will fight for their rights..like if your head of school offer you a sum of money but you dont agree..you will fight for it n negotiate with the dean or vice chancellor (this was wat MF did).. n so..not all women will do that.. this is crap la ok!

another potential reason is..lets say it will take u like 5 years to achieve a certain position..then if you are a women n you give birth..so you will take maternity leave..if within than 5 years you have like 2 kids..so maybe u take more or less 2 years off..so 5+2 = 7.. so it might take you 7 years to achieve a certain level. therefore, its ok for women to have lower salary.. hahahah..it make sense sikit la..but ade jek ramai pompuan yg tak kahwin or have kids..it doesnt explain everything..

hmm..n so i still wonder..WHYY?? isk isk.. if this situation happened like decades ago..i would believe in it..but NOW? hhahaha..

am i d only one here yg terkejut? haha..well, at least i know the 9 of us in AOS class just now were surprised ;)


Liz-A-Tou-tou said...

MF rambut nmpk kurang hot hari ni. Tak cukup styling cream. :p

Don't chaaaa....tutututu..Don't chaaa!

ladysue said...

tula N ckp tadi..tak tau nak kate per..

the getting to 1 position takes longer for women tu crap la kan.walupun take longer, still do the same amount of work or even more than men.

ngah! merapu la skolah ni. tu la i suspect negara ni takla clean sgt..appear je..mungkin tgh simpan scandal plg besauwauwau huhu. kite tunggu~

ntah2 pemikiran same dgn mongolia (lawak govt class - derang kutuk mongolia nye pemikiran cam kodi unlike us, 21st century. huhu) apparently gaji pun ikut gender...gile kodi. and to think that women appear a lot powerful here..hvg a Queen, a woman PM, our head of school is a woman...haicho~ ferliks! betulke MF ni? isk isk

ladysue said...

oh yea btw...td DM ckp...accounting sbnrnye takla sepowerful kita sangka..haih, apeda kite blaja benda lain2 ni.pening eden. haha.

aineetigger said...

by the end of the year..kite totally lost about accy..yey! hahaha..

oh krel kate its true pasal salary tu..dia pun penah ade diz sort of discussion in one of his classes dlu..isk isk..

n kat msia pun ade gak in certain places..gov la..gilos?