Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July-Part 2

out of all the days..our first sem results decided to be out today..haha.. wat a 'present'..alhamdulillah my results are ok..just the audit tu lecturer kedekut jek la another 1 mark so that i can get a much better grade..isk isk..oh only me, sue, athi and n, malaysians yg amek audit..and clearly we di anak tirikan by our 2 matter how hard we tried slalu ade jek tak kene..nk wat camne..thank god my 430 project is not audit..ergh..

other than that, weather was lovely during the day..but it rained later for a while during the was alrite..went lunch and jalan2 around town with ayer..den he said.."ok mlm ni kite gi dinner..kite 2 jek". i was like ok..but then every chance he gets he'll repeat the same thing.."mlm ni kite mkn 2 org jek tau..nnt i bwk camera..wpun tuk 2 org jek, tempat rahsia"..hahahaha..den i knew it already..he was trying to throw a surprise dinner for i acted along..kekeke..=p but i really didnt know where he was bringing me to..

so he asked to siap2 by 8..but by 8++ dia tak dtg2 pun i mesti org2 lain lambat nih..hahaha.. den he came n we walked down ikot boulcott..i kept on asking..mane kite nk gi ni?? he sed ade la ikot jek..he was walking sooo slow..dh la sejok..adeh..den he sed jom gi starmart jap i nk gi bli chewing gum..chewing gum kat cashier jek pun but he gi belek2 gula2 lain plak..sajek jek..=P

after starmart at manners, we walked along cuba street plak..seriously i didnt know mane we're goin..we continued walking along dixon street nk balek rumah lak..he sed ya nk balek rumah sbenarnye..wat??? ngade aa kalu nk balek i sed kite nk gi korean ke? he sed tak lintas jln pun..ngade lagi..den jln2..terkantoi la plak ngn suhana n they went in siem reap..n so, all of them were waiting at siem reap..kekekeke..

despite ayer's efforts to surprise me..wpun tak jd..i would like to thank him n of cuz everyone who came..for the first time in 4 years i get to celebrate my bday on the day itself n in welly! sblm ni mesti time bersatu surely i'll be either playing netball, waiting to go back home or cheering and supporting wmso..tak best2..

so this year..i got the whole day to celebrate with my friends n loved ones..yey! so we had dinner at siem reap..sedap2..portion dia quite big..den went for coffee at espresso..n of cuz another wii party back at my house..hahaha.. thanks for all those who came..thanks for all the prezzies..thanks for all the wishes..n special thanks to ayer =D

oh ya.. this year i got 3 bday cakes! huhuhu.. cupcakes specially made by sue, nash, n and suhana and another cake is what the guys called it 'cake koyak' hahaha..burn2..

here are some of the pic of the nite..

grilled salmon

seafood soup

my 2nd bday cake or cakeS..hehe..

para pembuat cupcakes..utk tau knape nek nee..tgk la di sini

my 3rd bday cake =D

cranium from the guys..thanks =D

n this is a perfume from the gurls =D

n here are some pic from our 2nd wii party..

i think we played until 3.30am..hahaha..yes we had fun!! i sooo love my bday diz year..weee..thank you soooo much everyone..wat makes it even more exciting because its the holidays!! wpun dh nk abes..but yes we are enjoying it to the last bit!


ladysue said...

1. i heard krel ckp dia nk beli chinggam sbb bibir kering? hahahah kelakar la

2. first time bday ainee takyah bgn pagi :))

3. refer gambar Grilled Salmon: perlu juga tunjuk: itu jam baru huhuhu swarovskiiiiiiii bwekk!!

4. akibat takle lwn hadiah ganzo (duh) kitorang pun bake DIABETES cuppycakes spt gambar. haha tgk pun bleh diabetic ok..

5. first time i pakai iluminator Zara..not bad2 (hahahaha sempat)

6. KENAPE TAK LETAK GAMBAR I MASE LEMAK TGN NAIK ATAS??? nampak kuros seh gambar tu...gambr ngn keri tu nmpk cam lembu hahaha

tink this is one of the best birthdays ever! (or myb kite dh lame tak bergembira haha)

ladysue said...

by the by. korang anak tiri. i anak pungut T_T ngaaaa.balasan derhaka la tu. haha

ladysue said...

by the by. korang anak tiri. i anak pungut T_T ngaaaa.balasan derhaka la tu. haha

aineetigger said...

sue..i br upload part 1 nye gmbr kat facebook..pasni i upload part ade la gmbr u nye tgn lemak naik ke atas..hahahha.. wpun hadiah tak setanding ganzo (hehe).. i terharu juge..sbb korg buat from scratch.. *awww..diabetes pun diabetes lah..hahaha.. =D