Monday, November 3, 2008

seminar pembangunan jpa..

jpa organized a seminar for those who are graduating n leaving nz for good this was held in school of architecture on 1st n 2nd nov..

1st nov
so on d first day we had talks from pn ct, en tarmizi, kak harisah and abg rudy.. mmg all talks to sgt la berguna..cuz i mmg tak tau pape pasal government..terok i know..but no one in my family worked as a government officer before.. hmm..mmg takde kot..ntah..tak penah dgr mmg i have very limited knowledge about d gov la..

other than dat abg rudy talked to us about interview preparation.. i dh agak ok dia letak gmbr i dia amek time raya kat slides dia..haha.. tp tak pe..free2 dpt hadiah dr dia..tq abg rudy! ekeke.. so he told us everything we needed to know cuz d next day ade mock interview..

we had lunch at kayu manis tp mcm tak cukup food so some of us got extra desserts after..simply paris..nyummy! lps d whole seminar we lepaked at fidels pulak..best2..

2nd nov
so yesterday we had our mock interviews...everyone pun was smartly dressed.. professinal ade 3 panels..abg rudy, kak harisah n pn ct..before that kiterang tulis jek name2 kat 3 separate papers n we didnt know sape kiterang nye mine was with pn ct.. sib baik tak ngn kak harisah sbb kak harisah tanye specific questions pasal accy..she asked wat is ias 39? haha..sorry la kak harisah..kalu saye kene aritu saye pun lupe..terkejut mane la nk igt kan..

so interview with pn ct went well..she made me argue bout satu issue ni smpi lama gak la..lawak..overall it was ok.. feedback pun gak la least ade experience mcm mane nnt.. after abes all d interviews kiterang amek2 gmbr while waiting for lunch at kayu manis.. mmg pelbagai pose ade la..will put the pic later jugak..

lunch yesterday was better..maybe cuz ramai org takde so kiterang dpt more mmg kenyang la kan..best2..pastu me nash n mcn pun jln2..window shopping n lepaked at borders.. pastu balek i continued watching all the series yg blm nye tak payah nk pk pasal keje..

tp sometimes i do feel weird i have to adapt to a more slow-paced life..hahaha..before this asyik nk kejar masa jek kan..iskk.. oh well, everything's great rite now.. byk parties ni nk plan..first will be diz weekend kot..uu tak sabar.. many interesting games waiting for u guys!

ok i leave it that for now..until i update again.. maybe not as kerap kot..sbb now i spend less time in front of d computer..hahahha.. =p

enjoy ur summer peeps!! oh good luck to those yg stil ade exam..other than that..I AM FREEEE!!

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