Friday, November 21, 2008


we had a picnic on thursday evening.. it was a sunny day.we all went to rose garden around 5pm to just lepak basically.. then we played american football..haha.. when u get guys who are experts and gurls who dont know how to play, u can just imagine the was nevertheless really fun n of cuz tiring.. penat bergelak juge..haha..

we had dinner together at 243..we cooked pasta, bread pudding and played monopoly. playing monopoly has become one of the common thing we do every now and then. started when ayer n i decided to buy the world edition with the bank card/eftpos card..its cool but a bit lembab la sbb kene tgu banker buat transactions each time.. stil fun tho.

i managed to win the game only once so far..mcn won big yesterday..record la ni kire..hihi..beginners luck..haha.. i think it is hard for us to get bored of monopoly..macam cranium skang dah a bit boring..we played it once on one of the nights..but cam dh bosan sket cuz most of the things we dh buat..dh la muke2 yg same jek dok mmg igt la ape jwpn dia..i wish i can buy new set of cranium cards..(kalu ade jual la)..

we had a last dinner with our hons classmates just now (friday) at arashi.. most of us will be leaving soon.. it was our class clown more malay words..haha.. then we lepaked at olive cafe for coffee and desserts before playing wii at 243.. wah 243 mmg jd rumah main game ni..

on another note..some of our frens are thinking of doing masters. apparently we can extend our hons project and complete it just within 6 months n we will get a masters degree. but kene start from now..meaning no or less holiday. told my parents bout mom kate tak yah dad cam 'encourage' to do.. making me confuse rite now. a big part of me is still reluctant to continue.. i know its a good opportunity and all but i don c having a masters degree could help me that much since im not going into i c it as having no practical relevance.. i have already tuned my mind to work rite now tp now kene pk ni lak..

how how how?

hmm.. im gona c david on monday just to discuss about this. i hope after our meeting i can easily decide whether i wana stay or not..most likely i wont. dh bersmgt nk balek tuk keje nih. hihi.. kata2 my dad mmg slalu terpk..cuz he sed dont make any decision that i will regret later..wah..tajam bukan ayat tu..lagi la buat i confuse..

hope for the best la kan.. blaja tinggi2 kang mas kawin kene increase lg la plak kang..or kene tambah dulang..wakakak =p


Liz-A-Tou-tou said...

Dc mmg akan encourage u to do Masters nyeee....hahaha Ok la lemme put it this way fr u :

Welly : more sleepless nite, thesis, words, articles, no social life --> higher qualification --> higher $$ salary (remember, qualifications stick with u sampai akhir hayat, so think long term). By 26, u can have a prof title, a Masters degree, and a cute hairstyle Rihana ella-eh-eh u tu.

KL : stabil job, awesome foood, faboulous friday nite hang outs with gf (think...SkyBar), close to family. By at the end of the yr 2009, we'll be joining u. ;) Its a trade off : One yr of working experience, or a higher qualification. (?)


The 7th Pcd

aineetigger said...

haha..thx pcd..ya i know all dat.i know david akan encourage i do masters..sblm abes hons pun dia sruh i sambung phd..hahaha

but wat i hope after d meeting is to c kalu project i bleh tak smbung within d short time period..kalu tak dpt any benefit then tak yah la kan..cuz im definitely not doing the 1 year course..muahaha

