Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Some things are better left unsaid

Do you believe that some things are better left unsaid? Would it be a problem if we be open and express our feelings to others? Do you think that keeping ur problem to urself to be beneficial to u?
Would it be a problem to overcome ur problem face to face? why are some people afraid to do that?

some questions that suddenly came into my head...will write sumthing when the research proposal finish...


*serious i reckon i should not end my post as usual. :P


Passionnista said...

is this meant to be answered?

krelganzo said...

tak kesah kalau nk jawab.. :D

Anonymous said...

can't wait for your views on this issue. just wanna see how far we can go in discussing the matter =)

Passionnista said...

mr/mrs/miss anonymous don't have any view?only like to read about it?
usually the curios have a set of mind order to compare.haa...

Passionnista said...

I often put human ability to handle the truth at a high point.
I believe that handling the truth is hard, hence we need to practice telling it AND accepting it.
But if it is our personal problem, i think we need to share it if we need opinions/we are in a dead end.
However, we also need to be smart with whom we are sharing it with.
The right people is really hard to come by. More so, many of us don't really want to care about others problem.
People grown in different environment, hence some may hear ourself talking in alien language.
Overcoming problem face to face is really good and healthy.
It's the people in it that cant handle it.
Have some guts people!
Personally, i think if we care, we ask. If they don't want to share, then they must have a good reason not to/ you're just not the person for it :)