Friday, June 27, 2008

Freedommmm!! FREEE!! woohoo.. finished my proposal only around 7.35am this morning and i sent it to jack black for review hoping that he could give me some feedbacks before submitting it to keitha... lps hantar trus tdo..fuh.. felt bad for not able to go to our last netball practice this morning..sorry la adek2, tdo kol 7.35 mmg tak bleh la nk bgn tuk gi netball by 11am..haha..if tak tdo, i'll be like a zombie playing netball..takpe, i know we'll do our best this sunday! huhu

so yeah, jack black is happy with wat ive done and he gave few i edited my proposal and submit! yey! felt so relieved! now boleh lepakkkk..smpi la abes cuti.. wpun cuti ni tak gi mane2, lepak2 di welly is more than enough.. all i know i just wana get away for a proper holidayy right after honours finishes..pergi mane? *rahsia* ngeh ngeh..

kehangatan bersatu semakin terasa..tmrw will be the opening ceremony. we have to perform arus tmrw and this year it is called 'Arus Bersatu'. haha.. steps will be a bit different and so are the dancers. hope everything goes well tmrw ;)

tgk weather forecast, sunday still ujan =( so kene prepare diri main netball dlm ujan..isk la welly, winter jek ujan. turun snow kan bagus..heh..okla..all the best everyone..jage diri, jgn saket2. GO WMSO!

1 comment:

sd. said...

aku suka tgk arus seyh..

good luck arus bersatu.

all the best netball team.

go WMSO!!