Saturday, August 9, 2008

sleety rain

its definitely freezing cold today in welly..according to metservice it feels like -1 degrees was -3 degrees around 7pm just now..huhu.. n sleety rain means frozen or nearly frozen rain..hah.. baik snow rite? if snow i'll run outside..hahaha..

was blog hopping just now and almost everyone blogged about 080808..haha.. yes very nice date.. mmg ramai org kawen kt msia..including my junior..CONGRATS!! sorry cant be there..although this date wont come again..but hey byk lagi nice dates in d future..sorry ye elly we penuhkan ur shout box cakap pasal nice dates to kawen..kekeke..

n yes..silly me..lps 23 tahun br perasan my mom n dad got married with a nice date as well.. 4.8.84.. ahaha..thx to sue to point it out.. kekeke.. nnt kene tanye derang sengaja pilih ke coincident? heh..

like my uncle..he got married on 11.11.91.. but coincidently, there were 11 cars dat day from our side..n the akad nikah was at 11am..with 11 hantarans from our side..seriously that was a coincidence! best kan? tak yah plan pun..ehehe..

n yes..the opening of the olympic games was yesterday as was really2 exciting! best!! im jealous with all their dancers..dapat baju lawa2!!.. kalu nari opening kat msia..wat did we get kawan2? haha.. all the strap2 bajus tuk senang pakai..hahaha..

okeh..need to be more productive..another killer week before off for cuti..cant wait! tlg la jgn migraine2 lagi ye.. amin..

1 comment:

ellie said...

i is the dont mind..
i is the get the many idea of the dates tau....
bagiuh tol kome nie