Saturday, January 17, 2009

mctf 09..

halu..rajin lak tulis lagi post..

td me, ayer n dibo went to the career fair in midvalley.fuh, ramai gak org..luckily we registered before hand so senang jek la nk masuk.. n so we went separate ways at first.. i went to the toilet n kuar jek bumped into hong leong nye booth. minah tu trus approach sruh apply cam marketing.wah not interested ya isi jek la borang n bg resume..minah tu pun persuade2..kate pun marketing..kekeke..haih marketing? i wan accounting!

i gave my resume to a few companies gak..cimb, maybank..myob..myob ni cam best..but april baru ade opening..lame sgt pk pk..den jln2 lagi another lady approach me..without knowing anything, she asked me to fill in an application.blur company ape ni? den d lady trus sruh dtg interview..tuesday at 230pm. den tgk2..its legacy100, ade related to AIA..wah.. stil tak interested sgt but since dh dia panggil tuk interview, i'll just go..

plg best most of my certs are in the shipping boxes! hahahaha.. i only have my academic certs lah..totally lupe yg gi interview kene bwk certs..dok terigt pasal degree n transcript jek..wah slamber!

went for dinner at sri murni just now..fuh panther! setahun dh tak rase..mmg bloated after dat..kekeke..

ok lah..tmrw will be another fun day i hope =D gudnite everyone!


iynas said...

gud luck kak ainee! hope u'll get the best job for u :-)

adlia said...

juz drop by to ask..
byk x engineering company kat mctf'09 tuh?

aineetigger said...

adlia: hey..erm ade gak la engineering i takde la tgk sgt cuz i was focusing more on accounting.. but yeah gi la tgk..tmrw last..