Tuesday, December 30, 2008
home sweet home..
so a brief summary on wat i have done here..
friday- arrived.. balek rumah..borak2..tdo.. panas!!
saturday- breakfast roti canai (yummy).. lunch with my family at tony romas, pavillion.. shopping at pavillion, searching for new fon :p lg panas harini..iskk
sunday- stuck at home during d day with my lil bro..keta ade but i lost my licence so cant drive yet..ergh! ate mcd for lunch.. went to klia with ayer to picked up dibo..ate a&w for dinner
monday- went out with my mom.. burger king for tea/snack.. went out with ieja, atong, azie..lepaked at cozy house and nz klcc..
hah.. byk dh la..tmrw nk gi shopping and settle my licence.. as gedik as it may sound, i just wana say it lah..mmg panas la kat sini.. n im quite dissapointed la with d services kat sini..tak bleh ke derang ni cam bertimbang rase sket or cam be la proper sket..
ni org dh smpi kat dpn cashier nk order bleh lak gi sembang ngn org sbelah..yg satu tu lg best, we ordered bende lain for delivery..yg smpi bende lain..reason dia sbb wat we ordered dh abes..lor tak bleh bg tau ke? suke hati jek tuka order..
den my bro cite..kat lrt station..org bratur panjang gile ni nk bli ticket..den org jage ticket tu bleh kuar gi toilet without saying anything to d people yg tgh bratur..bleh? haih..ape la nk jd..sabar je la..
i should stop complaining and deal with everything lah kot..haha.. oh well, other than that of cuz it is great to be home.. byk gile mkanan bleh mkn smpi tatau nk gi mane..haha.. n of cuz u get ur family n frens.. n shops which close late everynite..hah..heaven!
alrite..till next time..taa
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
today was a tiring day.. woke up very early since i slept early yesterday. cleaned stuffs and make some room for the salvation army to pick up our beds and desks.. went to the library to donate textbooks.wargh..heavy2.. went to the bank to settle our account then back home to wait for pick ups..
salvation army came but the guy was so ngade he did not want to pick up our mattress cuz he said there is a tear at the mattress. geram nye..i bought it like that from salvation army earlier this year lah! ish..now i dono wat to do with the mattresses..haiyo..
then, coffee tables were gone.. next the tv..ni pun satu, minah tu siap kuarkan dr kotak nk test2..penat je i angkat boh dlm kotak..then tlg dia angkat boh dlm keta..anak dia ade dlm keta buat bodo..iskk..sabar jek la..
after all dat, went to cash converter to sell my printer and floor lamp. tgk2 dia tak mau printer sbb dia kate byk sgt printer..wah penat jek bwk. lamp tu pun dpt 10dlrs jek..mule2 dia nk bg 1dlr jek..kedekuts!!
then, i rushed to the men gift shop to buy torchlight + swiss knife my dad pesan. then took a bus to railway to get my recommendation letter from david. went to diva AGAIN..haha..this time to buy stuffs for my cousin..then went to woolf to pick up liz's grad photos..
so, i've finished my errands for today..wah..byk kan.. went jln2 n dinner at cinta.. came back home and the person who bought my drawers came to pick them up..so officially, my house is empty..iskk..sedey2...
will go to high comm tomorrow, then will start cleaning the house and packing my luggage..
that's it from me now..until next time..taa~~
Monday, December 22, 2008
as for now, most of the things i listed on trademe have been sold.weehoo.. sally coming tmrw to pick up beds, desks n unwanted clothes/things.. nz van lines also coming tmrw to pick up our boxes..
hmm other than that, must go to the bank, must send some books to the library..must pick up my recommendation letter from david, haih trok tol 2 kali gi office dia tp dia takde and tak tinggalkan kat ofis..iskk.. erm wat else? some last min shopping maybe?
penat2..tiap2 ari rase sgt penat..bile dh tdo rase mls gile nk bgn.heh..
all in all, most of the things dh byk settle. phew!
ok la..nk gi sumbat some stuffs dlm kotak.. till next time..taaa~~
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
ade more smaller stuffs tuk di jual or diberi percuma..bleh negotiate lah..ehehe..
- toaster
- kettle
- book shelf
- 3 black coffee tables
- iron
- clothes rack
- heater
will post the pic soon. tp sape interested sila bg tau ye..harga bleh di negotiate.. but for bigger stuffs tgk la link trademe tu ok..
gumbira sbb 3 barang dh dijual..tp sedey sbb krusi kesayangan dh kene jual..iskk..
Sunday, December 14, 2008
VI and CBN..
Saturday, December 13, 2008
people come and go..
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
unlucky with posts this year =(
Monday, December 1, 2008
best wishes and a lazy monday..
Saturday, November 29, 2008
im back in welly..
till later..taaa~~
nota lantai: rase dh sunburn abes nih..iskk.. kene mengemas2 juge..mama nk dtg..huhu..
Monday, November 24, 2008
it's hot but very windy..
Saturday, November 22, 2008
think think think..
Friday, November 21, 2008
how how how?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
lazying around..
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
malam majipop 2008..
studio majipop
hosts and judge N
first round: they kene tiup belon n pecah kan satu belon before tekan buzzer tuk jawab soklan..haha..yes ade buzzer ok! semua props from 2 dlr shop..kene teka lagu n we will play d lagu from the start.. next sorg kene hum lagu and d team mates kene teka..
the lil ducks tu lah buzzers..ekekebaby boys
the boys tak jawab soklan sbb tu tak kotor pun muka..=p
haa.tu dia!
discussing secretly =p
tutup mate..pusing jgn tak pusing..
lps pusing dan pening kene pi tampal kat dinding..
karaoke maut, d gurls with stop from spice gurls..lead singer = naze
karaoke maut, d guys with it's my life from bon jovi..lead singer= nuzul
n d gurls won! ade medal n trophy ok!!
d party started around 6 plus until 3.3oam! hahaaha..enjoy tak ingat nye lah!more parties coming! weeee!! best2.. nnt kene buat outdoor party/picnic so that kite bleh buat mcm sukaneka..wakakka..
Monday, November 10, 2008
happy happy happy!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
main mercun..
yesterday didnt do much..just lepaked..watched series, movies.. as for today im stil thinking whether i should go down to town to book accomm for my family or not..hmm.. maybe later we're goin to discuss our game for tmrw..huhu.. ok til later..taaa~~
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
fireworks and bubble tea..
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
the fun continues..
1. played netball with the gurls on monday evening..tho i mls..haha..had dinner with nash, n, sue, naze at nandos afterwards..then we had our first slumber/gossip party at 244.. 'first' yer..cuz i know more parties will come! ehhehe.. some of us went home anyway around 530am..kate pun rumah dekat..keke..
2. my uncle, aunties and grandma decided to come again this year..hah..last min decision..terkejut saye.. so this year it will be the same persons who will come except my dad.. so had to settle a lot of stuffs now knowing that more people will come..sebelum ni my mom n bros jek..senang sket..bleh cmpak my bros anywhere..haha.. =p
3. settled my fon claim for nz post today..enquire accom for my family..ergh.byk keje..so far byk dh settle..so ok..
4. jln2 around town..beli bunga api..singgah rumah njb..lepaked at momo tea..a new bubble tea shop at courtney,tepi hadi gari..best gak la..ala2 hulu cat kat auckland.. dia tutup 1am mon-thurs and 3 am fri and sat kot..kire another option other than kopi la..
5. finally, gi tgk movie kat reading after sooo longg..watched the body of lies with ayer just now..wah menariks..recommended to watch..staring leonardo dicaprio n russell crowe.. interesting la cite dia..
6. now at home, gona watch some series yg baru di download.. tmrw will be another fun day i hope..with guy fawkes and all..weather plz be nice..arini dia evil..iskk..
Monday, November 3, 2008
seminar pembangunan jpa..
1st nov
so on d first day we had talks from pn ct, en tarmizi, kak harisah and abg rudy.. mmg all talks to sgt la berguna..cuz i mmg tak tau pape pasal government..terok i know..but no one in my family worked as a government officer before.. hmm..mmg takde kot..ntah..tak penah dgr pun..so mmg i have very limited knowledge about d gov la..
other than dat abg rudy talked to us about interview preparation.. i dh agak ok dia letak gmbr i dia amek time raya kat slides dia..haha.. tp tak pe..free2 dpt hadiah dr dia..tq abg rudy! ekeke.. so he told us everything we needed to know cuz d next day ade mock interview..
we had lunch at kayu manis tp mcm tak cukup food so some of us got extra desserts after..simply paris..nyummy! lps d whole seminar we lepaked at fidels pulak..best2..
2nd nov
so yesterday we had our mock interviews...everyone pun was smartly dressed.. professinal gitu..so ade 3 panels..abg rudy, kak harisah n pn ct..before that kiterang tulis jek name2 kat 3 separate papers n we didnt know sape kiterang nye interviewer..so mine was with pn ct.. sib baik tak ngn kak harisah sbb kak harisah tanye specific questions pasal accy..she asked wat is ias 39? haha..sorry la kak harisah..kalu saye kene aritu saye pun lupe..terkejut mane la nk igt kan..
so interview with pn ct went well..she made me argue bout satu issue ni smpi lama gak la..lawak..overall it was ok.. feedback pun ok..best gak la kan..at least ade experience mcm mane nnt.. after abes all d interviews kiterang amek2 gmbr while waiting for lunch at kayu manis.. mmg pelbagai pose ade la..will put the pic later jugak..
lunch yesterday was better..maybe cuz ramai org takde so kiterang dpt more food..so mmg kenyang la kan..best2..pastu me nash n mcn pun jln2..window shopping n lepaked at borders.. pastu balek i continued watching all the series yg blm tgk..waa..best nye tak payah nk pk pasal keje..
tp sometimes i do feel weird la..now i have to adapt to a more slow-paced life..hahaha..before this asyik nk kejar masa jek kan..iskk.. oh well, everything's great rite now.. byk parties ni nk plan..first will be diz weekend kot..uu tak sabar.. many interesting games waiting for u guys!
ok i leave it that for now..until i update again.. maybe not as kerap kot..sbb now i spend less time in front of d computer..hahahha.. =p
it's been sweet..
ok some short updates..
30 oct 08
had AOS exam..it was ok kot..well biase la kiterang goreng jek tulis jwpn..haha.. n finally dpt la merasa buat hons exam kat meja besar sorg2..sblm ni kiterang ramai sgt so mesti buat exam kat lecture halls..
straight after exam trus turun rutherford with mcn n fiona..we went to see our own supervisors to get final feedback..ya i just slept for 3 hrs kot pg tu cuz been bz studying n finishing d draft..gila i tel u..kpala pun sgt weng.. so i jumpe derang n they were very happy with my project..gumbira! ade la bit more to edit..biasela u wont finish editing until u kene submit..tu pun surely u tak dpt cek everything..its impossible! so david asked me to btol kan some sentences to make it stronger, yg mane patut la..
balek jek rumah..i slept for few hours dlu..tak tahan.. den igt bleh la abes editing ngn cpt..tp tak jugak..so stayed up til 7.30am d next day..tu pun tak abes buat abstract yet..
31 oct 08
tdo 730am..woke up around 10.30am..trus sambung buat abstract..i dono y tp punye la lembab i buat abstract tu..waduh.. lps tu buat table of contents smbil do final checking.. wah i skipped a lot of my analysis part..tak larat weh.. lps dh buat 1.5 spacing pun total pages 58.. n around 17000+ words i think.. abes semua around 3.45 kot.. den i jln ngn laju nye gi hons room tuk print.. ayer nk print kat rumah..so i turun dlu.. dh print2..den pegi anta together..wah cuak nyee..
lps anta, me ayer sue nash ngn mcn jln2 kat town..lepak starbux before balek siap2..wah tak sangka dh abes..n dh FREEEE!!
we had hons dinner dat same nite at james cook hotel..free ok..haaha.. best sbb its halal some more.. so mmg dpt makan ngn kenyang la kan.. byk org gak la turned up..many pakai halloween costumes..our other classmates byk yg dh mabuk before dinner pun..muka sorg2 pun merah2..haha..lawak tol layan derang..hyper.. den amek2 gmbr..gelak..n yeah we had fun! after dinner tot nk kopi tp semua org nk balek..cet.. bosan sungguh..hhahah..so ya mlm tu tdo jek la sbb ade jpa seminar d next day..kene bgn awal..iskkk..
i'll put some pic in other posts..
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
dup dap dup dap..
Monday, October 27, 2008
boring stuffs..
2. Acknowledging that accounting is socially constructed would require acknowledging that different accounting could be equal.
critically discuss the above stmt. Refer to any material covered in this or any other course..
haa.. tak ke sgt broad soklan2 tuh.. i think anyone yg tak amek 413 but took 421 pun bleh jwb..haha..seriously we kinda got nothing out of this class either than being experts in capitalist economy (inside joke)..haha.. well, i don regret la taking this class cuz i don like public sector..senang ckp all subjects 2nd sem tak best la..keke..but at least 413 have helped me in my 430 cuz i could do d same topic for my 413 essay n d isi bleh relate to my 430..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
duit duit duit..
current fav pic.. aidid tgh suapkan candy floss to aina.. awww..how comelll =D
Friday, October 24, 2008
fuh..dh siap..dh anta kat my supervisors around 830am pg tadi..byk tol words..iskk.. tak masuk references n appendix dlm 16088 words..double spacing total 69 pgs..gilaa.. haha.. jgn risau ye rakan2 lain..mmg research saye ni panjang sbb my companies' analysis kene panjang.. tp pape pun..im gona edit n reduce it next wk after dpt d final feedbacks.. rase nk gune 1.5 spacing jek sbb byk sgt pg nk print nnt..dh la kene buat 4 set! pokai laaa..
i tak puas ati ngn my research conclusion..mcm isi stil merata tpt..wah bersengkang mata ni tuk abeskan..rase nk tdo jekk tp kalu tdo dlu kene bgn cpt tuk siapkan..so i pun bertahan jek la tuk siapkan..penatt sunggguhhh..
skang bleh la saye relek2 sebentar.. rase nk nangis jek sbb kene start stadi tuk exam pulakkk!!! wahh org lain kalu dh abes bleh tol2 berjimba..tp saye kene stadiiii.. uwaaaaaaaa :'(
kalu saye over rajin saye belek2 la article2 mlm nih..belek jek la..tak larat la nk buat keje arini..huhu..
ok taaa~~
Thursday, October 23, 2008
1 week!
keep on moving..
i should be relaxing rite now..but im not..
i should have submitted my final draft..but i didnt..
i should be catching up on my sleep..but i cant..
one of the worse things that could happen to a writer happened to me last nite..
i lost one section of my research after working for 3 hours for it.. i remembered saving my work after completing the section..even saving it while working on it..den my ms word became a bit crazy so i closed and open it again..thennnn.. d whole section was not there! &*%$#&#$$^@#@!!
i was so shocked smpi menggeletar satu badan..then i was so stressed and broke down..i couldnt stand it anymore.. dh la tgh mengejar masa..bende camnie lak happen..can u imagine?? i really felt like shutting everything off n sleep..but i didnt.. while i can still remember what i wrote, i start writing d whole section back.. my heart was pounding very fast.. there was a mixture of emotions...
so, i could not finished my draft yesterday..i emailed david to ask for another day..n he agreed that i could hand the draft tmrw..
now every few minutes i would press d save button..haih technologies..they can make ur life easier and they can even make you get a heart attack! haha..
i havent started doing anything today..i just felt that i should take some time off. went for lunch and jln2 around town with ayer just now..n i just got back few minutes ago.. i'll start my work after this and hoping nothing bad will come my way..
so korang2..let's keep on moving.. we are almosstt there!!
nota lantai: still tak bleh caya kene stadi lagi tuk exam next week!!!! erghhh!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
in denial..
it should only take 6-10 days but now its been more than a month!
so now i should make d fon call to nz post and fill in the refund form..waaaaaaaa..i know i should call them earlier but i just feel dat d fon WILL reach home.. guess not..haih..its been too longggg..
sedey2..i used d fon for not even a year.. ee mesti ade org curikkkk..dh la siap ade warranty semua i post balek..waa sape curikkk?? eeee..kejammm!!! ade gak terpk time raya so post kat msia cuti lame..tapi ni dh lame sgt ni oii.. i don even know if d fon did ever reach KL..iskkk..
hmm..too long in denial..so tmrw i will call..i think i can only ask for 250dlr refund..haih..seciput nye..
nmpknye kene la merengek lagi kat my dad pasal nk fon baru..huhuhu.. guess i just can get a new fon when im back..fon kat sini semua cam tak best jek..lembab sgt model baru masuk..hihi..
sib baik la en azfar ade fon lebih..time kasih ye..
nota lantai: told ya tahun ni all my electronic stuffs boycott me.. iskkk..
Monday, October 20, 2008
dugaan hari ini..
alkisahnye..bermula la dugaan2 pada hari ini..
dugaan pertama..ayer kate dia nk tlg antakan hard copy gune motor atong..so i dh siap by 4 lebih trus la anta soft copy dlu..ayer abes dlm 430 camtu kot n dia pun anta soft copy.. atong ade 2 kunci motor..satu kat flat satu lagi patut kat 243..tp tadi pulak njb tertinggal satu kunci tu kat rumah dia..flat lak takde..so ade motor takde kunci..haha..
dugaan ke 2..oleh itu..kiterang pun jalan lah dgn pantas mengharungi angin yg mengganas ke railway..
dugaan ke 3..smpi hons room, tekan la tuk print kat printer biase tu..tgu2 skali printer tu kong plak arini..waduh..so terpaksa la print gune printer yg lebih jauh.. patut nk print 1 sided dia kuar double sided pulak..takpe la kan.. pastu i nye project dia print 2 kali pulak..waduh..rugi duit (tp gune account ayer yg ade by credit tu..sbb dia tak gune..so takpela kan..hehehe)..
dugaan ke 4..smpi rutherford, naik la tingkat 6 gi bilek BK dgn harapan dia ade..mmg la dh lepas kol 5pm..tp mane la tau kan..tgk2 dia takde..haiyo..so kiterang pun rase nk pi tgk ofis kat level 7 kot2 stil ade org..
dugaan ke 5.. nk p ofis naik jek la tangga cpt sket..rupenye mmg tak bleh guna tangga unless ade staff kad..hahaha.. so mmg kiterang stuck kat tangga plak sbb tak bleh kuar mane2..so dia pun tulis notice..kalu before kol 5pm ade certain tingkat nye pintu bleh kuar..tp kalu dh after 5 kene kuar kat ground floor jek..waduh..so kiterang pun turun laa dr tingkat 7 smpi ground..haha
dugaan ke 6.. smpi ground floor..kiterang pun naik balek la lift ke tingkat 7..n seperti dijangka ofis dh tutup..so turun la balek ke tingkat 6..dan selit lah research tu bwh pintu BK..hahahaha
so..nnt ktierang kene email la dia ckp terlambat hantar hard copy..tp takde la nk sebot semua2 dugaan yg perlu dihadapi kan..hahha..
kiterang ni dh la tak mkn satu hari..tdo tak ckup.. basuh muka jek..(oopps..eheh).. campur ngn semua dugaan tu lagi..hhaha..mmg macam cartoon.. mmg gelak jek la kan pastu..ape nk buat lagi..
atong dh balek pg tadi..huhu..smlm sempat la bergossip ngn atong buat kali terakhir di welly.. sedey pulak nnt kiterang tak dpt sumber gossip lagi dan takde dah org yg nk dikenakan..bosan pulak..ehehe..takpe la atong.. D.A.L.L.E.M.M.U.. ekekke..
Sunday, October 19, 2008
cut cut cut!
Save $40 on a cut and style at Rodney Wayne
Rodney Wayne and The Australian Women’s Weekly have joined forces to bring you a great discount offer on your next cut and style at your nearest Rodney Wayne salon.
Event Details
November is a special month for hairdressing great Rodney Wayne. It’s 40 years since he launched his successful hairdressing career in New Zealand and it’s his 60th birthday.
Simply cut out the coupon from the November issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly and present it at any Rodney Wayne salon nationwide to redeem your $40 discount.
well, sape2 nk ptg rambut tu go cek it out yeah..
nota lantai: history bergerak mcm kura2 patah kaki.. takde perasaan nk buat wpun tau kene anta sok before 5pm..wah gilos!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
haahaha..takde keje..
74 words
hahaha..btol la sue..kiterang ni takde life..dok dpn computer jek.. how i wish bleh tulis essay non stop this fast.. so bleh siap tulis history project 6500 words in 88 minutes..ahhahah..berangan..
amacam sue..i tgh lead la nih.. farah? licin lagik ke keyboard..adek2 kite bagaimana pula ye? muahahaha..
Friday, October 17, 2008
d.a.l.l.e.m.m.u ~ dam dim dum..
2. stayed at hons room after dat..tried to do history project..but i got bored and ngantoks..so no mood..stayed til around 7.45pm
3. went dinner at satay kajang with the gurls..no guys allowed today..haha..n so d guys went to nandos..so we gossiped..laughed..full..n we're happy =D
4. d guys joined for coffee at ernesto..last coffee with atong in welly since he's going back this monday..haha..so..more gossips..more kenekan atong..more laughters..n we're happy =D
5. now im at home..becoming lazy..with no mood to do history..
6. my dad going for haji on d 1st of dec.. n my mom n bros will come here for my graduation on d 4th-13th dec..all tix confirmed..
7. i wana go shopping.. i wana buy spring dresses..i wana buy shoes..i wana buy d gladiator sandal..i wan d estee blockbuster.. i need more money!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
gosh rimas nyeee!! i need air to breathe.. i need to go for a stroll down the city..but it's late..it's dark..it's cold..haihh..
im finishing up my 3rd draft for david..oh well, he sed to submit when ready..wats dat supposed to mean? will i ever be ready? haha.. i think dats d problem..i dono whether im ready to submit to him or not.. i think i have done enough..i have completed all my companies' analysis..FINALLY! oh ya, i should reward myself first before stressing on the other parts of research which is not completed, right? i know but is there time? isk isk.. watever it is im gona submit it to him before he checks his email tomorrow morning..so before 8am? so i guess i'll just continue what i can for an hour or two..
i think that i write too much.. while my other frens might have a problem of writing because of the lack of literatures related to their projects, i have to cover two important aspects which are regulation and disclosure, both with quite a number of different literatures.. so that sort of explain why i think i write too much..at the moment, i can easily exceed the maximum number of words of 15000..hah.. can i just let david n trish edit my work n trim down the words?? hahahha.. well i hope they will tho..kekeke..
i feel like a nerd.. making geeky-jokes..talking nothing but boring work stuffs..
i wanted to tell ayer yesterday about the sequel of the Sex and the city movie by saying SATC but i ended up saying.. "ayer, derang nk buat CSR punye sequel" hahahahaha.. gilosss!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
i like d movie..but i just feel that somehow la kot patut cptkan sket cite dia masa first2..mcm cinta kan cam cepat jek transition from one cite tu another..sepi bit slow..well maybe cuz sepi ade 3 stories je kot..cinta ade lebih ek? tak igt plak..haha.. but pape pun ending dia best..overall pun best! i would give lebih kurang sama rating to cinta only i think sepi bg byk lagi pengajaran kot..so yey sepi!
sape2 rase nk nangis tu..mmg patut tgk..haha.. den after watching..surely u'll take time n reflect on ur own life.. oh well, i did anyway..hehe.. dgr lagu2 dia pun rase nk nangis..dok terpk jek..huhu..
so, sape2 belum tgk tu sila lah.. haa..dak2 gov ni mesti nk tgk pas anta essay kan? eheh..dvd tu with me now..sila roger ye..
time kasih elly kerana menghantar!
oh vaio..
jgn la kau gila..
mula2 battery mu gila, daku masih bersabar..
skang dvd drive pulak gilak..waduh2..
tidak penah ku bersikap kejam terhadap mu..
haih..terbantut niat nk tgk sepi..
wahai vaio ku,
tlg la jgn gilak..
kau masih muda..
smpi msia akan ku anta kau pergi berubat..
nota lantai: tahun ni semua brg electronic saye boycott kot..tepon pun rosak..ni laptop lak join sekaki..pasni jgn la brg lain pulak..isk isk..
Sunday, October 12, 2008
pok pek pok pek =p
tq for d open houses today..waiteata and mckenzie terrace..time kasih byk2..saye kenyang =D and yes another lovely day in welly today! wah bestnye everyday mcm ni kan.. but tgk la..nnt mesti few days in the week weather start menggila balek..kate pun welly..
i feel so tired right now..mcm buat keje byk sgt la plak kan..padahal dok borak jek..ekekek.. i choose to just lepak2 je la kot after this..then sleep..tmrw i hope that i will have the determination to do my work..haha.. chaiyok! countdown tu pun dh di letak di bahagian atas..i sdiri pun cuak tgk d numbers..ekekke..
Saturday, October 11, 2008
cam skang..tetibe bau cam sth..hmm tak tau lak nk describe as wat..its not smelly tho..but i just feel that it should go away..harus spray air freshener lah nnt..haiya...
today is very hot! wah, kurang angin..rase cam summer totally! went to umno's open hs n agm just now.. mkn kenyang til tak dpt mkn sgt kat mckenzie.. haha.. anyway thx to the open houses today.. so tmrw will be another round of open houses... sorry la..kami2 di terrace ni tak mampu la nk buat open house..takde mase..time kasih la kepada adek2 yg sanggup menjemput kami2 nih..ehehe..
til next time..tata~
Friday, October 10, 2008
another lovely day =D
don be surprised ok..im not dat rajin to go but they are going to give ayer his price for winning the photo competion n so we went. but he did not get the overall winner, the winner of the nz scene got it..its ok tho..so congrats ayer! he received 100dlr voucher from welly photographic suppliers..d winners have a choice between vouchers from dick smith, vic books, cd and dvd store or the photographic suppliers..im sure most of them will choose the photographic suppliers..hehe..
n so here is the picture that he sent in for the competion which won the portrait category
n these are the rest of the winners and runner-ups..the pic are not so clear cuz they are not the original photos..its from the email by vic international..
runner up of portrait category
runner up of nz scene category
runner up of uni life category
d event was boring actually..haih.. we took off right after the prize giving ceremony..we went to hons room for a while as i needed to print some articles..nash, n and athi were there..so we borak2 till its time for dinner. atong ajak dinner at cinta today. after filling our tummy with yummy food, we walked slowly home.
n here i am, writing this at home, in my room, with piles of work beside me that i intentionally ignored d whole day..haha..*tak sedar diri ok*
ok c u guys in any of the open houses tmrw..